Friday 24 April 2009

Are You Ready For This?

Have you ever been to visit someone and they've said oh I'll get the photo's/slides out, and in your head your screaming NOooooooooo, but you politely say "oh that'll be nice" then spend the rest of the evening looking at photo's that are of absolutely no interest at all. Well this is your time to leave if you're not interested in the photo's I'm about to show you which are of some of my cards and prezzies that I got today :o) I did the pictures small to fit them all on, so to see the details click on them to get the BIGGER picture.

This is the card I got from Els. The colouring on the flowers is AMAZING, she did them by stamping with a white ink first, then heat embossed with a clear EP, then she coloured them with Copics. I know this 'cos she told me. And doesn't the sentiment just make you want to sigh.

The top topper comes off. It's actually a bookmark, AND it's got a magnet in it so that the front and back snap together over the page, how cool is that, I've never seen that before, trouble is I keep playing with it :o)

And this is the present Els sent me. The Organza bag is huge, I've never seen one that big before it's 29cm/11" long, and it was hand stamped by the lady herself and Els put glittery stuff on the heart, :o) I'd never seen that glittery stuff before either! In the bag were two of the cutest stamps, apparently I may be the only person outside of Holland and Belgium that has some of these, even cooler. Also Els sent me some of that glittery stuff that's on the heart, he he he, and just look at the tag she made, it's a witch, YAY.

This card is from Raisa, I'm afraid the photo doesn't do the colouring on this justice at all, do you see the sentiment?LOL, isn't that fabulous.

And this is what Raisa sent me. She made me a Bind it All note pad!!! You can see Raisa's colouring a bit better on this photo, and there is A LOT of colouring, not only on the front, but on the back and the inside. Then there's some LOVELY ribbon and a gorgeous little charm :o)

Here's the inside of the book, isn't that quote lovely, another one to make you sigh :o)

Here's the inside. Every page has a different image on it, all coloured by hand. I know I'm showing a lot of photo's of this book, but there has been so much time and effort put into making it, it would be ashame for you not to see.

And the back, just as pretty as the rest of the book, and I LOVE the ribbons down the wires.

This card is from my Dad, when I opened it I "ooo, I've seen these cards..." and before I could finish the sentence my Dad said "You haven't seen it before, I made that", to which my Son replied " I like how you put the bar code on the back", I think maybe my Dad is not quite telling the truth, and my Son is getting far to witty!!!

I had to show you this one, I think it was applicable to a couple of ladies today ;o) yes you know who you are LOL. It's from my Young Enough To Be My Daughter friend at work Michelle, who is also known as Shell and I call Smell.

And last but not least, this one is from my overly witty but lovely Son. He said it seem like a good idea at the time to buy it... until he went to pay for it and there was a rather attractive young lady serving, ROFL.

So there you have it, some of the highlights of my day, I hope you made it to the end without falling asleep :o) Thank you for all your emails , comments and EEK cards, you have all really made my day, but I think the best present I got today was knowing I've got friends, ooo I'm going to cry.
Take care & keep smiling


  1. You deserve to be spoiled!
    from one witch to another ;-)

  2. wow, gorgeous cards and lucky girl! I'm still waiting for you to send me your address (tapping foot)! :)

  3. I'm so glad you got spoiled ON your Birthday. I'm going to spoil you on your UNBirthday!!
