Wednesday 11 February 2009

Horror-ble Birthday!!!

Good morning Blogger/crafters,
I wasn't going to post this card as in the grand scheme of crafting it isn't very exciting and didn't take a lot of effort to make (99% computer generated). But as I haven't posted in a while and at the moment can't get myself motivated to make anything, I decided I would. I made this card for my brother's birthday, he's a film fanatic, and his favorite type of film is horror. I didn't make to much effort with this card as I know my brother all too well, and this'll end up in the bin with the rest of the cards he's sent. And if I bought him a card he'd want to know why I didn't make one! :) Typical bloke (English slang word for man)...

I'm not going to go in to great detail as to how it was made, but Iwill say the horror birthday "poster" was double heat embossed and the EP use for the border is Sparkle N Sprinkle Japanese Lacquer EP. If you want the deep red to show from this EP it's best to use VersaMark ink pad, if you use a red ink pad the EP turns out black with a red tint. I might have a go at the My Time To Craft Challenge, which is called "Going For Gold", if I can get my lazy can't be bothered butt in gear :P.

Take care & keep smiling


  1. I think the card is great for a horror movie loving bloke (love the word, lol)! You tell him, I'll send buckets full of spells if he throws it away, lol. (or better hearts, I'm sure he loads (hope this means something like hates)them (and you know I'm clever in making them, lol. Thank you, hihi).
    Hope the weather is a bit better over there? so you can get back into your crafting corner.
    Miss you!

  2. I love the card - it's different and special made for your brother. Awesome!

    Well, I just have 3 sets of nestabilities but would like to have 12 sets:-) I have decided not to buy a Slice, I will invest in nestabilities instead... I have the emboss mat, but not 2 B-"things" to the CB. But I have ordered B-"things", so I get it this week...

  3. Very cool card! I really hope apprciated it. I think it's great and very obvious that you put ALOT of time, thought and effort into it. Luky bloke! (I like that word too!) :)

  4. You went to a lot more effort than I usually do for my brother's birthdays! So anything would be more than what I would make, but you went above and beyond that - you took all the things that your brother likes and made a card for him. I think it's great and of course - YOU ROCK!
